The Basics Of Birkenstock Sandal Repair
Birkenstock sandals can also be made with organic materials, giving you a piece of eco-friendly footwear to boot.
And if you’re looking to get your pair of sandals repaired, then you’ve come to the right place. So read more as we are going to talk about the basics of Birkenstock sandal repair in today’s article.
Trivia: Birkenstock was the first company to manufacture footwear which conformed to the shape of the human foot in 1902, which earned them a reputation of being one of the most comfortable footwear worldwide.
Steps In Inspecting Birkenstock Sandals
The first thing to understand when talking about Birkenstock sandal repair is that the process will best work if the damage is detected at its earliest stage. Because once the sandals start to crack or break down, the repair will be more difficult.
So if you notice some traces of damage, act fast and have your footwear repaired right away.
Here are the steps you need to follow to properly inspect your Birkenstock sandals:
Inspect The Soles
Obviously, the rubber soles will be worn out after years of use, especially in the heel area. So start by inspecting the heel and toe area of the sole. If there’s only ¼ inch of rubber left, then it’s an indication that the sole have to be repaired to prevent it from wearing out further or have it replaced already.
Check The Footbed
Next thing to examine is the footbed. If it’s already deeply recessed, then it’s time to have the cork midsole repaired and the leather on the footbed to be replaced. The cork at the midsole is a soft type of wood. And over time, it will tend to shrink, especially if it’s subjected to constant pressure on certain areas of the foot.
Check For Other Imperfections
Look for other signs of other imperfections like exposed edges around the cork midsole, cracks or scratches on the leather straps, and traces of sole separation. If you’ll find any of these flaws, then it’s also an indication that your sandals have to be repaired already.
The Best Repair Solution
Of course, you can always choose to repair your footwear on your own if you know how to do it. But the thing is, you’re still not assured of the quality and you may not end up getting your desired result.
So it’s best to leave the repairing to the experts like NuShoe because you’re not only assured of the quality but you can also have your footwear custom modified after repair so you can wear your sandals more comfortably than before.
Overall, the professional approach in fixing your Birkenstock footwear is the best repair solution to restore your sandals back to their glorious state.