Interesting Facts About Licorice That You Should Know About
The licorice plant is a herbaceous perennial plant which was growing in various locations in the world such as Syria, Egypt, Middle Asia and Middle Europe. Its fermented drench was useful in cases of vomiting and infected roughness.
This plant had a high effective curing value for ancient Egyptians for its benefits as it was considered an essential treatment for many of digestive system diseases specially for ulcers treatment.
The ancient Egyptians knew this plant and they were making juice from it’s roots, scientists discovered this plant roots in the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1923.
The ancient Egyptian doctors were mixing the licorice plant with medications that have a bitter taste to hide it or to reduce the bitter taste and also they were using it to cure the liver diseases.
Even the Arab doctors were using it as a food and as a cure as well like Ibn Sina

Ibn Sina
The modern researches proved that this plant contains Glycyrrhizin material which carbenoxolone is derived from,and this material helps in ulcers and intestine healing.
The Babylonians knew the licorice plant roots since more than four thousand years as a strengthen factor to the body and its immunity
- Extraction of licorice plant and sugar.
- Thickness factor which represents in starch or The Acacia Senegal which is known as Gum Arabic.
- Beeswax which used in polishing the candy surface.
- Ammonium chloride with concentration ratio up to 8% and The black honey which gives a special black color for the licorice candy
- The taste of ammonuim chloride is reduced by increasing the ratio of sugar concentration
If your mouth is watering right now from all this candy talk, you can try out Timbo’s delicious 30 licorice rope flavors. So far, the best tasting ropes that I have ever eaten in my life, especially the spicy ones.
Well, I hope you enjoyed reading these facts. Share your thoughts below and I’ll see you next time. Xiao!